To the reader who has found this unlabeled interaction and actually has continued to read this, thank you. Remember this is a project I have begun in a “Chicken on a Stick”-esque foray after a similarly gut-wrenching heart break (that should be evident from my formational articles).
I like talking about music, have so ever since I was young. The challenge of articulation has been something I have struggled with since I have known myself. I will use this website to mangle with life, art and my thoughts about things.
From analysis of music ranging betwixt its creation and its consumption to breakdowns of my personal breakdowns, there is only one thing promised: my attempt at honesty.
All of the attempts I have given to talking to people close to me about these topics have only driven them further away from me. Hence, I hope you expect some insufferable nonsense amongst the jungle of thoughts I aim to establish.
The contents here will change as I change. But they will always be me from a period of time.